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ABOUT Essaypro1

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed 







Essaypro1 International Editing Service於2009年一月,由美國加州執業華裔美國律師Ernest Chen, JD/MBA於北加州創立。他本身除了商法專業之外,還擔任過工程師,創過業,對科學,機械,歷史等有熱愛,擁有驚人的跨領域的背景。目的是為了能夠在不同領域服務到更多的台灣同學, 堅決提供高品質而且用心親切的服務。特別設立中英文雙語的服務,讓同學在溝通沒有困難不會害怕,竭盡所能配合同學的文件需求以及時間需要,一點一滴,希望 同學能在留學的路上感受到幾分溫暖,也歡迎來到美國之後繼續和我們保持聯絡,我們會是你的朋友。如果在美國本地有需要法律上的幫助,我們也可以替你引薦可靠的律師。







CINDY 和大家一樣都是在台灣受教育並且經過繁瑣的申請步驟負笈至美國取得學位並工作,成為第一位擁有獸醫臨床病理專科醫師執照(DACVP-Clinical Pathology)的台灣人。目前在UCDavis cancer center擔任研究助理教授,這六七年間一直是Ernest的忠實用戶,不管是申請獎學金,報告,Presentation,推薦信,申請住院醫師或其他職位,都是靠著Ernest的加持一路挺進,讓英文不會成為絆腳石,我永遠記得第一次請Ernest幫我修改的申請住院醫師的Cover Letter,我收到之後只有"驚艷"兩個字,愛不釋手,一讀再讀,不敢相信這是我的cover letter!!!  因此我當然是第一個站出來推薦Ernest的服務的人。



 Ernest Chen, MBA, JD

  • University of Michigan :  主 修 Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Business, Communications, Engineering, Computer Science, Journalism, Marketing, Public relations, etc.

  • MBA: 主修 Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Finance

  • JD (Juris Doctorate) and 現任加州執業律師

Hello from the USA.  My name is Ernest Chen and I am an American born Taiwanese who wants to help other fellow Taiwanese.  In my spare time, I offer document preparation services in perfect English and can help revise, improve, and edit your essays and documents with my advanced professional writing skills.  I can even help you create some new ideas for your paper if you suggest what you want to say. 


  I originally graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and was a tutor for advanced English writing composition, chemistry, biology, and computer science classes.  I was also chosen as a school ambassador and helped evaluate new student application essays at the University of Michigan, so I understand what a top university wants to see in your application statement of purpose.  I also have a Masters of Business Administration degree (MBA), with triple major concentration in entrepreneurship, marketing, and finance.  During my MBA period, I also helped many Taiwanese, Japanese, and Korean students with their homework assignments on a vounteer basis.  I also have a Juris Doctorate JD graduate degree, and am currently a lawyer with a law license in California, USA.  I previously owned my own high-tech business and worked in several major companies including the latest at Hewlett Packard HP in conjunction with Hon-Hai.  In any industry, business or law, all documents must be very persuasive, convincing, concise and accurate.  If I revise your essays and documents, you can expect the same consistent high quality from me as I do in my own profession. 


  We do not hire any other people to edit or check your essays.  We are presumably the only essay revision service that gives you the professional experience and skill from an editor who has both a USA law license and MBA degree.  You can be certain that I will personally check every word and sentence.  When I work on your case, I generally spend twice as much effort than other people to make sure that you receive professional quality editing and revision.  That is why we limit the number of cases accepted per day, so that your assignment will be given full attention.  My depth of knowledge is very detailed.  I have a broad background and understand subjects including engineering, history, social sciences, physical sciences, business, education, law, media and communications, and others.  I guarantee the best and highest quality results.  


  In addition to helping you prepare essays and documents, I can also perform legal work.  If you are applying for schools in California, application forms, US Visa, marriage certificates, green card, or other legal related issues, then I can also offer law services at a discount price.

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